【News】 Technology for longer shelf life of prepared pears developed in Aomori prefecture (May 24, 2016)

Agricultural Products Processing Research Institute of the Aomori Prefectural Technology Center, based at Rokunohe-machi, Aomori prefecture, has developed a new technology of preserving prepared pears for a long time, which are pared and cut into pieces, aiming to promote the use of preserved pears by confectionery and other businesses.

After a pack of sliced pear pieces is vacuumed for preventing from turning brown, it is heated to restrain oxidization, which is thereafter cooled down to stop softening of the pear pieces.

If the cooled package of pear pieces is kept at 4 degree C in a refrigerator, browning of the pieces will be prevented in two months.

“Preserved pear will be a good ingredient for making sweet cakes. You could also dry the pear pieces with a food dryer and enjoy tasting them as dry fruits. We hope our technology will be found useful by local groups such as women’s associations of agricultural cooperatives at their cooking class and the like,” a spokesperson of the Institute said.

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