【News】 Iwate University to develop system of cleaning up bovine leukemia infected zone for cattle breeding farmers (Dec. 22, 2016)

A study group organized by Iwate University has launched a project to develop a new system for purifying a bovine leukemia infected zone by quarantining black-haired Wagyu (Japanese beef cattle) with a higher incidence risk at a special stock farm for the purpose of preventing a spread of infection among cattle herds in the zone.

The project aims to feed cattle with a higher incidence risk at a quarantine farm, which can be a cause of the spread of infection, instead of selling the cattle in the market. If the cattle grow up without showing symptoms of bovine leukemia during a period of 27 months, they will be shipped to the beef market.

The cattle with a lower incidence risk will be fed at a farm where epidemic prevention is to be strengthened to contain the leukemia viruses.

The study group plans to develop a model system for cleaning up a cattle leukemia infected area, which is applicable to livestock farmers, by the year of 2018. The system is expected to spread among cattle feeders in the country.

Bovine leukemia infected cattle are increasing in Japan. A number of the infected cattle counted 99 heads in 1998, which hit a record high of 2869 heads in 2015.

The purification model system is to be formulated primarily for cattle breeding farmers. All the cattle at a farm cooperating in building up the system will be checked whether they are infected with the leukemia or not by inspecting their genes. Cattle with a higher incidence risk will be purchased from the farmer by the study group.

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