【News】 International visitors to be welcome with Japanese food culture at Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games (June 1, 2016)

The Government of Japan held a meeting of the liaison officials of relevant ministries and agencies on May 31 for enhancing dissemination of information on Japanese food culture toward the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The network of these officials plans to study measures to be taken for this purpose, including a program for serving the Olympic athletes with food ingredients of locally grown farm products at the Olympic village.

A number of international tourists are expected to come to Japan during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The Government wishes to take an opportunity of the Tokyo 2020 Games to activate deliveries of information on the appeal of Japanese food culture, which, they hope, will boost exports of local products of agricultural, forestry and fishery industries.

Food ingredients cooked for the Olympic athletes have been selected through the system of farm product certification since the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee is expected to consider how to fix its own standard of food procurements in addition to uses of locally produced ingredients which are to be certified with official systems such as the Good Agricultural Practice (GAP).

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