Nokyo-Kaju-brand fruit juice made of Japan-made fruits returns to market after 14 years

TOKYO, Apr. 11 – In April this year, a subsidiary of the National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations (ZEN-NOH), Rakuo Kyodo Nyugyo Co., Ltd., started to sell two “Nokyo-Kaju-brand fruit juice products, “Wakayama-ken-san Mikan” and “Kudamono Mix” to help boost fruit production in Japan.

The Nokyo-Kaju-brand juice was first released in 1973 by Zenkoku Nokyo Chokuhan Co., Ltd., a predecessor of Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd., and sold until March 2010.

“Wakayama-ken-san Mikan,” which means mandarin oranges from Wakayama Prefecture, is made 100% of Wakayama-grown mandarin oranges. The producer removes peels and skins and squeezes only pulp to ensure a smooth and clean taste with no bitterness. “Kudamono Mix,” meaning mixed fruit juice, is a juice of peaches, apples, and mandarin oranges. They are available in 900-milliliter cartons at supermarkets and other retailers in eastern Japan, and there are no suggested retail prices.

The supply of fruit juice, mainly imported ones, is becoming unstable. Imported orange juice has been in short supply due to changeable weather and disease outbreaks in the United States and South America. The weaker yen also has an impact, and some beverage manufacturers in Japan have decided to raise fruit juice prices or stop selling them.

Domestic fruit juice supply is also slow due to the decline in fruit tree production. “By selling fruit juice under the agricultural cooperative brand, we hope to boost the momentum to support domestic fruit production,” a person from the sales development of ZEN-NOH said.

Nokyo-Kaju-brand “Wakayama-ken-san Mikan” (right) and “Kudamono Mix” (left) returned to the market (Photos by ZEN-NOH)

Nokyo-Kaju-brand “Wakayama-ken-san Mikan” (right) and “Kudamono Mix” (left) returned to the market (Photos by ZEN-NOH)


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