【News】Scarecrow of the future – Akita Prefectural University develops a robot to drive away wildlife from crops (April 11, 2017)

Takashi Saito controls one of prototype scarecrow robots about the size of a puppy in Yurihonjo, Akita Prefecture.

Takashi Saito controls one of prototype scarecrow robots about the size of a puppy in Yurihonjo, Akita Prefecture.

Akita Prefectural University is working on developing a robotic scarecrow to move around the fields and scare off wild animals which cause damage to crops.

Takashi Saito, 47, associate professor at the university’s Department of Machine Intelligence and Systems Engineering specializing in robots, has created three eight-legged and four-legged prototype models, with an aim to complete the robot next year.

Saito began developing the prototypes last year based on radio-controlled fighting robots.

He said he plans to make practical models equipped with artificial intelligence, adopting moves and designs that wild animals dislike.

The robots will be placed on paths running between crop fields in rural villages and make the rounds automatically to keep wild monkeys, deer and bears away using arms that stretch and contract.

“Legged robots that walk can scare wild animals with the noise of their footsteps,” Saito said. “I want to make the robots about the size of an Akita dog and hope they will become the guardian angels of rural villages which can even fight against bears.”

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