【News】Dietary milk intake during pregnancy can reduce postpartum depression risk: Ehime University (June 17, 2016)

Drinking cow’s milk during pregnancy can reduce or prevent symptoms of postpartum depression, according to the study report released on June 16, 2016, by Ehime University. This new function of the milk was revealed for the first time in the world, according to the university, and may come under spotlight as an additional value of milk which has high nutritious value.

The researchers said, compared with the group of new mothers with no dietary milk intake during pregnancy, the group of new mothers with the highest dietary milk intake of 187.5 grams per day on average had a halved risk of postpartum depressive symptoms (51%).

No such relevance was observed between the intake of dairy products (yogurt and cheese), calcium, or vitamin D and the risk of postpartum depressive symptoms.

“Between 10 to 15% of new mothers are said to be experiencing postpartum depression. This is a very important finding and we shall confirm the effectiveness of milk in further studies,” the researchers at Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine commented.

Postpartum depression is a type of clinical depression with symptoms such as low mood and loss of interest in activities. Hormonal changes, exhaustion from childbirth, anxiety about baby cares and/or lack of sleep from breastfeeding all night are said to be responsible for the illness.

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