AI daily cow art contest held in commemoration of World Milk Day

TOKYO, June 5 — A contest for artworks depicting dairy cows created with the use of artificial intelligence image generators was held in Japan to commemorate World Milk Day on June 1.

In the contest, organized by Noujoujin, an agriculture branding service firm based in Funabashi, Chiba Prefecture, the top prize was awarded to an artwork by Tetsuya Kawakami, 37, a dairy farmer of Izumo, Shimane Prefecture.

Kawakami’s work portrays a design of a cow along with red, orange and yellow flowers and plants. He instructed AI to include not only a dairy cow but also farm produce so that people who look at the work will understand how the entire agriculture is linked together.

Kawakami, who raises 80 cows including 46 milking cows, has also introduced AI in farm management.

He utilizes AI to analyze such data as milk yield, milk constituents and the milk-to-feed price ratio. He also makes use of AI to track real-time business conditions such as by enabling him to see the break-even point every month at a glance.

He hopes that winning the award will give him the opportunity to let consumers learn the present situation of agriculture, its values and possibilities, and think of agriculture together with consumers.

An artwork created by Tetsuya Kawakami using AI     Photo courtesy of Noujoujin

An artwork created by Tetsuya Kawakami using AI Photo courtesy of Noujoujin

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