To welcome new year happily

MIYAGI, Dec. 14 – In Kami Town, Miyagi Prefecture, makers of shimekazari, a traditional Japanese New Year’s decoration, have entered the busiest time of the year. To  prepare approximately 6,000 shimekazari Kazuko Ito, 73, and nine female farmers and neighbors gather at her house, adding the finishing touches to the shimenawa straw rope ornaments by decorating them with mizuhiki paper cords, hiba tree leaves, rice straws, etc.They use Hitomebore rice straws cultivated at Ito’s rice field and hiba leaves from local “Igune (homestead woodlands).”

Shimezakari-making by female farmers began approximately 40 years ago to make their pocket money. “We do this to welcome the new year happily, like we buy school bags for grandchildren and some pieces of furniture,” said Ito.

Ito (right) making shimekazari ornament using local materials such as rice straws and hiba tree leaves (in Kami Town, Miyagi Prefecture).

Ito (right) making shimekazari ornament using local materials such as rice straws and hiba tree leaves (in Kami Town, Miyagi Prefecture).

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