【News】 Dashing through the mud – sled race on rice paddies held in Miyagi (Aug. 10, 2013)


200 people participated in a sled race held on an eight-are rice field in Ogizone district of Misato, Miyagi Prefecture, earlier this month.

Participants of a sled race wade through a muddy rice paddy in Misato, Miyagi Prefecture.

Participants of a sled race wade through a muddy rice paddy in Misato, Miyagi Prefecture.

The participants pulled a sled made of a tray of a wheelbarrow and competed in a 40-meter course on puddled rice paddies filled with shin-deep muddy water.

They competed in pairs, pulling a sled with a 60-kilogram weight, 20 kilograms for elementary school children. There was also a race for parents each pulling a sled with a child on it.

In the bicycle race category in which contestants on bicycles crossed a narrow bridge over the rice field, five pairs of young people working for JA Midorino, local agricultural cooperative in Misato, heated up the event by dynamically diving into the mud.

(Aug. 10, 2013)

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