Tag Archives: Series

【Series】 TPP – Underlying motive of the U.S. : report on anti-TPP lawmakers’ visit to the U.S. Part 1 (May 11, 2013)

Part 1; Scrapping tariffs across the board Takanori Okabe In late April, a delegation of National Conference to Consider the TPP, a group of experts and lawmakers who are against Japan’s entry into the Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade talks, visited the United States to exchange opinions with officials of the U.S. government, Congress and industries concerning the TPP talks. Takanori Okabe of The Japan Agricultural News, who accompanied the delegation, reports on the U.S.’ real intention which surfaced during the visit, including their opposition to allowing exceptions in scrapping tariffs, and on the differences between the recognitions of Japan and the U.S. In the TPP negotiations, there is a basic principle … Continue reading

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